Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is it bad taking ADHD pills?

The news is talking about how it could be a serious health risk?
Certain people are against Adderall, Dexedrine, Focaline, Ritalin, etc. because they contain amphetamines and dextroamphetamines. (Except for Ritalin, which is a methylphenidate)The way your body adjusts itself to the regular amphetamine/d-amphetamines is a concern because when you stop taking them you experience discomfort because the body has to "reconfigure" itself to functioning without the chemical. This is why these specific medications are accused of causing chemical dependency.Are these farfetched concerns? Well, not entirely. High doses of amps/d-amps are indeed extremely cardiotoxic and put alot of strain on the heart. When taken as prescribed, however, they can be effective. Its the way individuals react to the "come down" effects and side effects that make them potentially dangerous.Hope this helps ya, mate :)
no pill that is out there on the market or prescribed is 100% safe. if you are wondering, contact your doctor. good luck.
It's rarely a health risk and it depends on the pill. Adderall, for example, contains methamphetamine salts, so it is made of a very low dosage of methamphetamine if that helps any.

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