Wednesday, October 21, 2009

is it dangerous to take headache medicine frequently?

i frequently get headaches. is it okay for me to keep taking headache medicine?
As long as you take it at the prescribed times.Coach
Yea thats what its made for carefull. Consult w/ your dokter why you always get headache.
OK...if there is one thing in this world i REALLY understand...well, it is the effects these things have on our whole system...if you consume any substance whatsoever that either stops your bodies natural functions think twice...and if you take any type of painkiller (or other substance!!) your body will become used to receiving this dose as required so therefore it becomes a mute point...not doing you any good, really...but has an addiction pattern had time to take hold...check it out more throughly..NOW..YOU MAY REGRET IT..I DID.have fun.xxxx
This is going to sound just awful and is really hard to do but it sounds to me like you have a situation called rebound headaches or medication induced headaches. This is caused by taking too much headache medication for too long a period of time and then when you stop taking the meds the headache returns. The way to deal with this is to stop taking the medication for 2 weeks and just deal with the side effects. If you simply can't do this then go to the doctor and ask for help. I am assuming you already did that for the headache and are undergoing treatment for it. To avoid future headaches from medication don't treat the headache more than 2 times per week. This is very difficult and when you are in pain it seems really unreasonable. I am sorry I don't have good news but yes it is dangerous to take headache meds frequently without the consent of a doctor.
I'd like to follow up on Madame Sophia's answer...please keep in mind that this is not medical advice, but please consider it information to help you make an informed decision with your health care provider.And I realize I risk not answering your question, because
you have already addressed these issues.Last year I reviewed a book (for Library Journal) on breaking the heading cycle...although I gave it a mixed review...allow me to quote myself
"At least 95 percent of migraine, tension, and cluster headache sufferers are viewed as having an enhanced, biologically based response to stress that is stronger than that of the general population. "
"this enhanced response to stress can be harnessed to recognize stressors in life as well as to adapt and change for overall headache reduction. Here, they outline the HARP program, an incorporation of prescription drugs (when necessary) and aspects of complementary medicine; nondrug methods (e.g., relaxation techniques, deep breathing, and yoga) can be used without attending the program"Since no two people have exactly the same headache "challenge", I believe treatment programs would be best if they are "tailor made"...drawing on the best of "western" medicine and "alternative" medicine. It can be a lot of work, but maybe thinking of the whole process of at least reducing headaches through less medicine as a, well,
freeing process. As my husband would say..take it as a personal challenge.OK, off my soapbox...That said, here are some good resources that address what I
would say is an integrative approach to reducing headache occurence.--Overview of Headache Treatment (Cleveland Clinic)
Outlines testing, physical and neurological examinations, relaxation techniques, biofeedback, and medications.--American Council for Headache Education
Information on causes, prevention (drugs and alternative therapies as relaxation techniques), support groups, resources, etc)--Paul Drucko's book "Taking Control of Your Headache" integrative emphasizes the need for complete and thorough diagnosis, and offers fairly complete coverage of headache causes; it also includes a wider scope of nondrug therapies (e.g., behavioral therapy)
[Check with a reference librarian for other reputable titles..
please approach with caution the quick fix books]I am hoping the above helps. I suffer from a debilitating migraine
once a month or two...and, well, I do rely on a prescription...
so I see I need to follow my own advice...Peace be with you,
I used to take a lot of meds for headaches and developed major gastrointestinal problems because of it. A friend of mine convinced me to see her chiropractor and now I only have to take meds about once or twice a year. There are chiropractors that specialize in migraine headaches. Meds are synthetic chemicals that pollute your body, if you can find a way to deal with the headaches without using meds then your body in general will be healthier. Chiro works for me, but other people use massage, acupuncture, meditation, yoga and other forms of relaxation techniques to get relief from headaches. I hope you are able to find something besides meds that works for you.
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck. Headaches can be
caused by minor problems like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more
serious reasons like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can have harmful side
effects, so it is better to modify your lifestyle. More information
available at
how often are your headaches
how long do they last
what part of your head
what do you take for your headache
how many days ina row do you take your medicine for headache
does your MD know
what kind of tests have been done to diagnose the cause of your headaches
when is your next doctors appointment

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