Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is it a fact that a virus or a hormone (e.g. oestrogen from the pill) can not be removed from recycled water?

It isn't just hormones and viruses that aren't removed from wastewater. Most drugs aren't changed in our bodies that much, and are excreted into the wastewater supply. Wastewater treatment breaks down the solids with bacteria, then kills them. The water is then treated to balance the Ph and filtered before it is discharged, but many substances make it into the effluent. That is why we have hermaphrodite fish in NY and I think it is why we are seeing more hermaphrodite deer, etc.
With regards to the hormones, I do know that it can not be removed economically; whether or not it is mechanically possible, I do not know for a fact. However, I would seriously doubt it is possible.
Removal of tiny virus is mechanically possible, but also not economically feasible..
Sorry, thats all I can tell you

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